What I Learned from Hallucinogens



This week’s New Yorker (issue dated August 27) features an excerpt from Dr. Sacks’s new book, Hallucinations. At newyorker.com, Dr. Sacks talks about his psychedelic days in an audio interview. Finally, Dr. Sacks talks about how psychedelic drugs helped him understand his patients better (video will be posted at newyorker.com later this week, but you can see it nowon our YouTube channel).We are really excited about this book, and we hope that you, faithful Sacks fans, will help us spread the word about Hallucinations. Do you have any friends who would like to hear about the book? Click on the link above to forward this month’s free newsletter to them. We’ll be sending you sneak previews of the book in September and October. And if you or your friends are more into Facebook or Twitter, we have that covered, too.



author at work

As some of you asked after our last newsletter, how come the famously computer-illiterate Dr. Sacks has all this social media???  That would be us, the Sacks Office (a.k.a. Kate and Hailey). He gives us the info, and we translate it into computerese. Sometimes we tweet things he says at the office, sometimes he writes out notes for us. It’s true: he won’t touch a computer. He’s always been a seriously fast two-fingered typist with his IBM Selectric (that’s a typewriter, for those of you under 40). But these days, he’s gone back to the tried and true method of fountain pen and yellow paper. More on this next month.